The Candy Creep Animated Halloween prop is a Life-Size Sinister hump-backed Old Man with short gray hair and matching bushy eyebrows wearing a blood-spattered red & white striped carnival jacket, stained dingy white-collared shirt with Black tie, Black pants, and Black shoes. This Creepy Carnival Guy is bending over and offering a large Colorful Lollipop to unsuspecting children while behind his back is a large Bloody faux-wood Mallet! His strange yellow Light-Up Eyes and Moving Jaw saying 5 phrases draws your attention, and his Torso Rocks side to side, looking for his next victim! Easy Assembly and Convenient Activation options Includes: a Step Here Pad. Best Haunted House Decoration for your next Halloween party! Your gathering will be the most talked about event in the neighborhood!.
Multiple activation options: Steady-on, Infra-red, or Step-Here Pad (included)
Power source: UL power adapter
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Multiple activation options: Steady-on, Infra-red, or Step-Here Pad (included)
Power source: UL power adapter