Taught by Professionals. Each DVD is over 3 ours running time. Multiple lessons and demos on each DVD. Perfect for beginners and advanced students alike. Volume 3 lessons include cuts and bruises...
Movie FX DVD Video magazine presents Special Effects Master Class Volume One. Inside are six demonstrations of various effects techniques ranging from sculpting to the application of facial...
DVD has a variety of Dr. Frankenstein Igor Monster and laboratory scenes for projecting on walls or windows for amazing effects. Includes: the Home Haunters Projector Set Up DVD. For use with a video...
This is a compilation of Make-Up effects contained in volumes I II and III. Great how to Make-Up effects on one DVD. Creating gun shot wounds applying zombie Make-Up vampire prosthetics, bruises,...
Virtual Santa DVD has been featured on England's inches King Christmas Lights show inches and on ABC's The Great Christmas Light Fight show 2013-2015! Now you can have this special effect right in...