A great prop to use at your home haunt or haunted house to scare the yell out of any victims! Fearsome! Scarecrow comes with hat Light-Up skull head and tattered draping clothes. 72 x 55 x 8 inches...
Watch your victims faces turn to horror when they see how the scare-crow lies in wait. with a terrible surprise! Features fast head snapping action scary sounds and PIR (human sensor) or footpad...
Who dares to take candy from the scarecrow's bowl? If you do this scarecrow's head snaps up revealing a scary face. Features a terrifying surprise screaming and creepy laughter motion and sound...
The crows won't just be scared; they will screech in terror at the sight of this disturbing scarecrow. Put this horrifying prop on your porch and your trick-or-treaters might do the same! You will...